Your Trusted T&M Partner
Measurement and modeling solutions for engineers and scientists
We deliver measurement and automation solutions that boost productivity
Your Trusted Technology Partner
We provide a wide range of measurement and modeling solutions for engineers and scientists and a complete range of services including system integration, maintenance, repair and training. Epsilon Metrisys offers cutting edge technology instrumentation, software and systems to serve your measurement, analysis and control applications.
World Leading Brands
We distribute world leaders in the design and manufacturing of geomatics, test & measurement and laboratory equipment and software. National Instruments, Xylem Analytics, TecQuipment, Ettus Research, Digilent, Emona Tims, Robotnik, OPAL-RT, Ametek-CTS, LD-Didactic, esz, Bitlismen, Rafa Solutions are some of our partners.
Services that boost productivity
We offer complimentary conultancy, training, calibration, repair and field measurement services to help you increase your productivity and deliver your project in time.
Test & Measurement Solutions
Test automation and measurement automation solutions for engineers and research scientists. We distribute National Instruments, Ettus Research, Digilent, Ametek CTS, Robtnik, OPAL-RT and a number of additional suppliers of T&M instrumentation.
Educational Laboratories
Engineering & Science Labs
Instrumentation, software and curricula for teaching engineering and science that will enable you to implement a hands-on approach and raise the level of your school’s engineering or science program. We have a very comprehensive portfolio of STEM lab solutions that include on-site and remote labs.
Visit Yotta Volt
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