Educational Laboratories
Solutions for the Classroom and the Research Lab
You design your next project or you are searching for the optimal way to overcome an existing challenge. You would like to enhance your STEM laboratory or you are in the process of designing an engineering program from scratch. You may want to built a lab by sourcing equipment from a number of different suppliers or get an exotic device and need a supplier to organize purchasing and delivery. Whatever your need, we have a solution that will accomplish your task.
As the exclusive partner of Yotta Volt in Greece, we carry the full portfolio of National Instruments. Visit Yotta Volt’s academic page to see the full range of teaching and research solutions that we offer. Being the regional Yota Volt partner, we are the only authorized distributor of National Instruments and Quanser in Greece. Additionally we distribute TecQuipment, LD Didactic and the academic portfolio of Ettus Research, Digilent, Bitlismen, and Rafa Solutions.

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