Test & Measurement
a comprehensive T&M portfolio
Test automation and measurement automation solutions for engineers and research scientists, for industries that include automotive, semiconductor, electronics, wireless, mining, aerospace & defense, energy, rail & marine and a wide range of applications that cover machine vision, condition monitoring, electromagnetic test compliance, RF & 5G, hardware in the loop, circuit design, embedded systems, robotics, structural monitoring, manufacturing automation and many more. Visit YV’s applications page to see how you can benefit from our solutions.
We are Yotta Volt’s partner in Greece and carry the entire product portfolio of National Instruments, Ettus Research, Digilent, Ametek-CTS, Robornik and OPAL-RT. Visit Yotta Volt to see the full range of solutions that we provide. As the exclusive Yotta Volt regional partner, we are the only authorized distributor of National Instruments in Greece.
Visit Yotta Volt
To view the complete portoflio of products and services go to www.yottavolt.com